Galician Curriculum Programme in AI
The regional government (Xunta de Galicia) has decided to create a group of experts that will define a curricular programme in artificial intelligence. The aim is to develop a programme to be implemented at all levels of education from kindergarten to university.

Within this group of experts is Fran Bellas, the AI+ project coordinator. With his experience as a professor at the University of A Coruña and his research in autonomous robotics and applied Artificial Intelligence, he will help to design curricular proposals that integrate the contents and competences linked to AI.
On the other hand, José Viñas, teacher at IES David Buján and partner of our project, is also in this group of experts as a teaching representative.
Great initiative and very proud that two members of our project are part of this committee.
For more information we leave you links to several press releases.
Great initiative and very proud that two members of our project are part of this committee.
For more information we leave you links to several press releases.