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Galician Curriculum Programme in AI

The regional government (Xunta de Galicia) has decided to create a group of experts that will define a curricular programme in artificial intelligence. The aim is to develop a programme to be implemented at all levels of education from kindergarten to university.
Within this group of experts is Fran Bellas, the AI+ project coordinator. With his experience as a professor at the University of A Coruña and his research in autonomous robotics and applied Artificial Intelligence, he will help to design curricular proposals that integrate the contents and competences linked to AI. On the other hand, José Viñas, teacher at IES David Buján and partner of our project, is also in this group of experts as a teaching representative.
Great initiative and very proud that two members of our project are part of this committee.
For more information we leave you links to several press releases.

1st Training Activity

From 18 to 21 January we carried out our first training activity (online) due to the global pandemic situation. We had to adjust to the movement restriction measures and therefore we made a different activity plan. Using Microsoft Teams as a communication platform, we were able to hold a special conference.

Event: Maker Faire 2020

This year the Maker Faire event due to the Covid-19 pandemic had to be online. We had our own page on their website where we put a video to explain the project.
In addition we connected live so that any user could access and consult their doubts.The whole Ai+ team would like to thank the Maker Faire for counting on us for this important event in Galicia. We leave you our video.

Ai+ will be at Maker Faire 2020

The Maker Faire Galicia is the biggest event for inventors and creators in the world. This year it will celebrate its 6th edition from 18 to 22 November 2020 in online mode due to the Covid-19 health crisis. We are very happy to tell you that the Ai+ project will be present in this great event.
Behind the Maker Faire Galicia is Design Thinkers and Makers, a company from Santiago de Compostela that is dedicated to innovation in three areas: education, business and social and cultural. In the educational field, it innovates through the VermisLAB project, in the business field with the consultancy firm and in the social and cultural field with projects such as Maker Faire Galicia or Roteiro Maker, where it brings innovation closer to society through interactive experiences. The Maker Faire Galicia is currently the largest on the peninsula in terms of the number of conferences, attendees and projects presented. These are some metrics of the 5 editions of the event: more than 50,000 attendees, Makers from 10 countries, more than 900 makers, more than 300 projects and mentions in the media.
On this occasion, a website has been created so that anyone interested in attending can register and take a virtual tour of the entire event and its projects. In our case we will present the Ai+ project and the future of artificial intelligence. We leave you the video presentation of the project for this event.